Sunday, April 7, 2024

Brain talk !!

 Week 1- Brain Talk !!

Some interesting facts about brain !!!

The Brain's Energy Consumption 

Despite making up only about 2% of the body's weight, the brain consumes around 20% of the body's energy. This high energy demand is necessary to fuel the brain's countless processes, including thinking, memory, and regulating bodily functions.


The brain's ability to reorganize itself and form new neural connections throughout life is known as neuroplasticity. This remarkable feature allows the brain to adapt to changes in the environment, learn new skills, and recover from injuries. Neuroplasticity is at the core of learning and memory formation, and it plays a crucial role in rehabilitation after brain injuries.

The Brain's Processing Speed

Neurons, the cells that transmit information in the brain, can communicate with each other at incredibly high speeds. Some neurons can transmit signals at speeds of up to 120 meters per second. This rapid communication enables the brain to process vast amounts of information and orchestrate complex behaviors and thoughts in real-time.

content source :wikiedpdia 

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